Sustainable Exhibition Stands High Quality MaterialsUK Manufacturer Full Turnkey Services Self build solutions
Sustainable Exhibition Stands
High Quality MaterialsUK Manufacturer
Full Turnkey Services
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3 sustainable exhibition stands

15th November 2023

A step change has occurred. Responsible and ethical businesses do care about where and how their exhibition stands are produced and GH Display’s business model is already geared up for just that kind of environmentally sensitive approach.

GH Display are the market leaders in creating genuinely sustainable exhibition display stands.

We use 3 exhibition stand design and build projects to show you how.

Our team of event professionals have always promoted the benefits of high quality exhibition stand construction, which will quite literally, stand the test of time. In fact, we’ve gone as far as basing our business model on the many benefits that come with manufacturing durable products that not only provide the best return on investment, but also minimise the amount of waste ourselves and our customers produce. We sometimes found it a difficult sell. Persuading businesses to invest today for reuse tomorrow. It wasn’t that long ago that the build and burn culture of the event industry was the most popular game in town and it’s easy to see why. It was cheap and fast.


Responsible and ethical businesses do care about where and how their exhibition stands are produced

Churning out low quality exhibition displays was by far the cheapest and quickest way to produce a trade show display. On the face of it, customers got good value, after all the stand looked great, the price was right and who cares what happens to the stand after the show. Thankfully a step change has occurred. Responsible and ethical businesses do care about where and how their exhibition stands are produced and GH Display’s business model is already geared up for just that kind of environmentally sensitive approach to exhibition stands.

Creating eco-friendly and sustainable exhibition stands doesn’t start and end with the production of the stand itself. It is a multi-faceted approach that starts from the day to day running of our manufacturing workshops and print studio to the power we use, to the decisions around materials, waste disposal, recycling and product design. In fact everything we do at GH Display starts with the question, how do we deliver this one thing as well as we possibly can, whilst minimising our impact on the planet.

We will show you how we have perfected this approach using 3 thought provoking exhibition stand projects.


All components of this Siemens custom exhibition booth were existing elements, refurbished and reused. Almost every part of the stand came from the GH Display exhibition hire stock and after this event, the components were refurbished and placed back into our vast stock store ready for the next show. The other stand components that didn’t come from our hire stock were existing items that we had manufactured for Siemens previous events and stored, refurbished and reused for this exhibition stand. Where we practically can we design refurbishment and reusability into everything we make, so that it is always the best option, both sustainability and cost efficiency-wise. Any of the graphics that were produced for this one event were printed on biodegradable media. Graphics that were suitable for reuse were produced on recycled media, rolled and stored for future use. Any new materials were sourced locally to GH Display. The entire stand was created using 100% renewable energy generated from our solar panel roof. All lights were low voltage LEDs. Our team stayed locally to the exhibition hall during the build so that we did not produce unnecessary vehicle pollution from travel to and from the venue during the build and breakdown. All the planting was real and after it’s use at the event all plants were taken back to Siemens and utilised in its Manchester offices. See more about this project.


The Labour Party

Every component on The Labour Party exhibition stand came from either our hire stock of exhibition stand structures or was designed and manufactured for future use within our hire range, ensuring that none of the stand would go to landfill after the Labour Party Conference. All the wall graphics on the stand were printed on biodegradable media, except for the lightbox graphic that was produced on a 100% recycled media and will be kept for reuse. The rigid media panels were printed on a recycled paper based media. All production and print of this and every custom built exhibition stand is done in our workshop using 100% renewable energy, generated from our 166 solar panels. The Labour Party stand components can be reused, refurbished and reconfigured for years to come, ensuring we minimise waste and provide best value. See more about this project.


Micro-Tech UK

The Micro-Tech exhibition stand was a triumph. The complete custom exhibition stand was built using hire components, which will be refurbished by our team for reuse and not sent to landfill. The graphics on the stand were a combination of 100% recycled media and biodegradable media. The Micro-Tech team had a busy show and a steady footfall of visitors throughout the four day event. The Marketing Manager for Micro-Tech UK Bobby Polkey provided us with this positive feedback after the event.

“A BIG thank you is deserved for GH Display in all the work they put in to create our Micro Tech UK stand for this year’s BSG Live 23. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with them. The stand builders on the day were fantastic as well! What a great stand and sticking with our values, made as sustainable as possible. Would recommend and will definitely work with them again!”

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